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The Reporters Also Committed a Crime

June 26, 2018, at Townhall

By John R. Lott, Jr.


It is a crime for reporters to pay for leaks. Reporters can use information volunteered by whistleblowers, but bribes are a different story.  And it appears to be happening with some regularity.  The recent Department of Justice Inspector General’s report warns: “We identified instances where FBI employees improperly received benefits from reporters, including tickets to sporting events, golfing outings, drinks and meals, and admittance to nonpublic social events.”  The report finds that such enticements likely led agents to leak information. 

So far, the media hasn't acknowledged this possible criminal activity by reporters. The problem goes beyond ethical violations, and it has serious implications. If reporters can legally bribe government officials, who's to say that the reporters won't also collude with foreign governments?

On Monday, The New York Times admitted in an article that one of its reporters had an affair with James Wolfe, the former security director for the Senate Intelligence Committee.  The reporter, Ali Watkins, is 32 years his junior.  When she stopped seeing Wolfe, she started dating another intelligence committee staff member.  The New York Timesis investigating, but she likely owes her swift rise as a star reporter to inducing men to give her classified documents.

It doesn’t help Watkins’ case that in 2013, she told her Twitter followers how much she “wanted to be Zoe Barnes.”   Barnes, a fictional reporter in the House of Cards TV series, sleeps with a confidential source in exchange for information that she uses in her news stories.

James Wolfe has been arrested, and the Inspector General indicated that charges may be brought against the FBI agents who leaked information to reporters.  But no one seems to be suggesting going after the reporters, who are themselves criminally liable for bribing government officials.  

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